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Who Am I?

My purpose is to create sustainable changes in businesses, organizations, and communities that service Underrepresented communities. To accomplish my mission, I create leadership programs, invest in experiential education opportunities, teach\mentor students about career and professional development and human resources management, track progress through key performance indicators, and have strategic partnerships/planning for engagement enrichment opportunities. In my opinion, nothing changes if nothing changes; let's continue to grow together to grow our consumers and baselines.

Thank you for taking the time to read the about me section on my LinkedIn page. I encourage you to reach out to me here to connect and follow me on my social media platforms to get more engaged. Furthermore, please don't be shy to reach out to me so we can discuss more how our connection can be mutually beneficial. Finally, "Never be closed-minded to an opportunity for growth no matter where it may come from, even in small interactions" - Earl McCoy Jr.

Home: Welcome
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